What's in a Name?
Pat Henshaw first entertained me with this sweet, funny and a little bit of drama, 2015 novella “What’s In A Name”. The story introduced two very opposite characters in Jimmy Patterson a barista and “Guy” Stone the bartender.
This isn’t Jimmy’s first time at the Stonewall Saloon, but it’s the first time to celebrate his thirtieth birthday. He’s made one mistake already and that’s being involved with a cheating boyfriend. Mistake number two, is feeling sorry for himself and tying-one-on.
Luckily for Jimmy, Guy winds up being more than a bartender to talk too. Guy knows when Jimmy needs to be cut-off and goes above and beyond to take care of Jimmy.
As Jimmy and Guy get to know one another they realize that they’ve actually known each other for some time now. When they officially start to date they find more things in common and what’s important in a relationship. As they date, there’s a little fun between them as Jimmy tries to guess Guy’s real name.
Unfortunately, the small Sierra community still has its issues with intolerance, from threats to serious danger, Jimmy and Guy find a way to work through it all.
Pat Henshaw also brings the Sierra Foothills alive with her colorful descriptions of the area. She gives an in-depth look into Guy and the history behind Old Town, the Stonewall Saloon and how it all connects. Besides Jimmy and Guy she creates some other characters like: Felicity co-owner of Penny’s coffee shop and best friend to Jimmy. Along with some not so nice characters too.
I have to say, I like both versions of “What’s In A Name”. I was torn between covers though, I like the 2015 version just a little better. As for the additional content the story is still one worth reading over and over again. It’s a quick read, not something to tax the brain, with a sweat HEA. Lover’s of easy reads and HEA’s watch for Pat Henshaw’s “Foothills Pride” series!
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