9 Willow Street

A very sweet story with some heat at the end.

Nell Iris is one of my favorite authors of MM short stories. 9 Willow Street is longer, a short novella, but just as good as her short stories. Read the blurb because it’s good and tells you what you need to know about the story.

I loved how sweet this story was; who doesn’t like snuggly bunnies? When Hannes returns to the house he inherited from his Nana he is surprised to find a cute little bunny inside. The rabbit seems perfectly content to stay in the house and keep Hannes company.

Nell’s description of how Hannes and Mattis cuddle with each other just warmed my heart. There are a few surprises and complications before they can be together but love wins out in the end.

Another great story from Nell Iris which I loved.

***Reviewed for Xtreme-Delusions dot com***

ButtonsMom2003, 08/15/2019
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars