
Thomas has created a gem with her novel, Sutherland. Jennalee is one of the most real characters I’ve ever read in a piece of fiction. She’ll make the reader, gasp, laugh, and cry. She may even irritate some and embarrass others, but that’s what makes this novel (and characters) so endearing. Jennalee will draw the reader into her world like no other character. The reader will find themselves scolding her and cheering for her as she does everything she can to avoid becoming a responsible adult, that is until she meets Harley, a young man who embraces everything Jennalee is trying to avoid.

Jennalee and Harley’s interplay throughout the novel is priceless. No matter where the reader comes from, no matter their background, they will recognize and remember what it was like growing up. They will feel the angst, fear, excitement, and anticipation right along with these characters.

Highly recommended.

William Holden, 03/20/2018
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